
Wild Birds

Birds have quite a long history of evolution, they appeared on the planet long before humans did. Today there is no such region on our planet where birds don’t exist. Birds are considered beautiful and adored around the world. Like other animals’ birds also have different categories, some are the birds of prey and some birds feed on grains and greenery.

Birds have not been like they are today, evolution played an important role in the transformation of birds, like humans and animals. Birds have been traced back to almost 100 million years ago, long before the dinosaurs were wiped out, and the recent fossils of birds found were 60 million years.

Birds help plants to reproduce, they act as dispensers and pollinators, birds sit on many plants, trees, and flowers. They carry the seeds or pollen from plants and trees to other places where they drop them, and new plants emerge hence continuing the plant life.

This process not only benefits the plants but also to humans and other animals. Many animals eat plants and birds keep the food cycle going.

Many birds eat insects and pests, in an ecosystem, if the number of pests, insects, and bugs exceeds the normal amount, they can cause serious damages to humans and other animals. Many bugs can even destroy crops if they keep reproducing at faster rates.

This not only helps in saving crops and plants but if these tiny critters increase in larger amounts they can lead to a dirty environment. Birds eat bugs and ensure the balance in insect populations.

What Will Happen If the Birds Suddenly Disappear from Our Planet?

If the birds suddenly disappear or vanish from the earth today, our planet will lose its natural balance. Imagine waking up in the morning with complete silence, we will immediately start missing birds. It is a known fact that around 10% of the world’s crops are eaten or destroyed by pests. If birds disappear this percentage can rise up to 80% to 90%, the human death rate will rise like never before.

Birds are a major source of food for humans when it suddenly vanishes, we will lose another major source of food and the results will be devastated.